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This screen is used to create, view, update, delete Family records. Family records in Project Hirtius are used, as they would in a genealogy program, to record the union of two partners of opposite sex (by pointing to their Individual records) and to link children born to the couple (more Individual records) for the purpose of tracking their ancestry (taking advantage once again of all available metadata).
When I said that a Family object had to be composed of two partners of opposite sex, you should not read any hidden moral message into this. It's just that at present, Project Hirtius only supports the concept of biological parent-child relationship. Support for adoption and other forms of parenting will be added later on.
To help record the ancestral relationships within a family group, other object types should be used in conjunction, namely Events and Individuals. For more information on how these different objects interact, please refer to the Individuals Management Workflow.
The Families management screens are not available straight from the
Main Application Menu. To reach the Edition Page of an existing Family:
Of course, you can also reach the Family view or edition screen through a lot of other ways, such as using search results (see Navigation Tips).
To add a new Family record:
The Family Edition Page supports the following actions:
Here below are the fields that you can expect to find on the Family Edition Page. The goal here is not to simply duplicate the database layout information. If this is what interests you, please refer to the Database Layout, the database creation script or the database itself. The purpose is rather to explain what each field is meant for [D], what format it is expected to follow [F] and what are the conditions for its validity (if applicable) [V].
A star (*) after the name of the field denotes a mandatory field (the star is shown in red with the same meaning in the application user interface).
Object ID* | D | Sequential ID, automatically assigned by the DB during record creation. Displayed read-only once available. |
Male partner* | D | Full name of the male partner. Selected by the user during record creation. Displayed read-only once available. |
Female partner* | D | Full name of the female partner. Selected by the user during record creation. Displayed read-only once available. |
Couple creation date | D | Date the couple formed. Can be left empty if unknown. Please note that
this field is technically not part of the Family record, but of the
linked couple creation Event (= auto-event). See Individuals Management Workflow
for details. In view mode and if set, the date will be followed by a letter between parentheses denoting the selected era (see next field). The corresponding Julian Day Number (JDN) representation will be displayed below it. |
F | Hirtius "historical" dates format, based on the ISO one: year in
1 to 5 digits, then month in 2 digits (padded with zero if needed), then
day in 2 digits (padded with zero as needed). The date parts have to be
separated with '/' (forward slash). Prefix the date with '-' (minus sign)
for BCE years. If month and/or day parts are unknown, they can be specified
as '00' (for the purpose of JDN computation, zero values are set
arbitrarirly to 1). Examples: "2012/10/31", "136/00/00" or "-44/03/15". |
V | The date string is parsed and checked against the above format. Month part should be between 0 and 12, day part between 0 and 31. If day and month parts are provided, day is checked against month length with leap-ness computed based on selected era (see next field). The year part has to be different from zero. | |
Couple creation era | D | Calendar in which the Couple Creation Date field is expressed. Select from list. Unset ('-') by default. Required if Couple Creation Date is set. |
Couple creation location* | D | Town, village, region where the couple creation event took place. Use "Unknown" or similar if unknown. Please note that this field is technically not part of the Family record, but of the linked couple creation Event (= auto-event). See Individuals Management Workflow for details. |
Country* | D | Country where the couple creation event took place. Select from list. Use special value "Unspecified (--)" if needed. Please note that this field is technically not part of the Family record, but of the linked couple creation Event (= auto-event). See Individuals Management Workflow for details. |
Event type | D | Type of union. Select from list (subset of all available event types, as managed from the Event Types Management Page. Choose either 'MARR' (officially registered marriage) or 'UNIO' (informal relationship). If the relationship starts out as informal and an official marriage act takes place later, use 'UNIO' for the couple creation auto-event, and add a regular Event record of type 'MARR' afterwards. |
Comment | D | Any comment you might have on the family in question (general information about the couple, historical significance, etc.). This is where you would store the bulk of your research concerned specifically with this family (of course, a much broader scope of reseach is possible as well, encompassing all supported kinds of objects and any number of them -- please refer to Projects Management Workflow for advice on how to manage that). |
F | Free text. HTML markup allowed. Special formats:
If the object that you refer to doesn't exist (yet) or is not linked to the current object (in the case of Bibref and Srcref), the reference will be rendered in a special style (orange italics) and the associated link will point to that object creation page (where possible). |
See also | D | Use this field to link different objects together, even objects of
different kinds. For instance, you might wish to link the family
with a picture of the house where they lived, or of the city hall or church
where the marriage ceremony took place (stored as Slides). As long as the list is empty, you only see the Add field. Once some See also entries have been created, you can also select one or more in the list below and check the Remove selected checkbox to remove the selected entries from the list. |
F | One or more object IDs, each composed of a single letter identifying
the object type (see Objects and Metadata Types for a list of supported prefixes --
only fully-fledged objects are eligible here) followed by the numerical
ID of the object. The prefix letter is case-insensitive. To add links to multiple objects at the same time, use a comma and an optional space to separate members in the list. E.g. 'd1242, i43, d239'. |
V | Each object ID has to refer to an existing object. Attempts to link the current object to itself will be reported and ignored. |
This result page appears once you have clicked the Submit button on the Add, Edit or Clone page. It will offer the following links:
See also:
Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024.
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