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Individuals Management Workflow

This page will offer some high-level guidelines and recommendations on how to create and maintain Individuals and Families records, as well as all the object and non-object entities that will serve as metadata for these two main object types.

Also, please keep in mind that Project Hirtius has not been meant (at least at this stage) as a full replacement for genealogy programs. If genealogical studies are your primary goals, you may be better suited with another program such as Gramps.

In any case, the recommendations that follow are just guidelines. Please feel free to use the tool as it best fits your needs.

Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Create index tree
  2. Define your approach
  3. Create the central individual
    1. Fill in the creation form
    2. Further edit the Individual's record
  4. Build family around him/her
    1. Extend tree towards the past (going "up")
    2. Extend tree towards the future (going "down")
  5. Navigating the family tree
    1. Starting from an Individual
    2. Using the Lineage table
    3. Starting from a Family
    4. Using the Children table
  6. A few words about auto-events
    1. Creation
    2. View
    3. Edit / Update
    4. Clone
    5. Deletion / Unlink

Let's now discuss each of the steps...

Create index tree

(optional but recommended) Through the INXtree Browser and if you don't already have one, you should create a tree structure (= INXtree) with categories that you can then attach your Individuals to (or indeed any of the other supported object types). A small part of this structure might look something like this:


Of course, you don't have to define the entire structure before you start attaching objects to it. You can always expand it later, as the need for some new classification is revealed by the data you manipulate during your research. But it makes sense to start from a basic structure that is already developed enough, to avoid having to reclassify too many existing objects (which is easy enough to do, but takes time).

More recommendations on the design of your INXtree are available in Concepts.

Please note: there are limits to the size of your INXtree, not in terms of "lines" as this is stored in a database table, but in terms of leaves per node and maximum depth of the tree. Please refer to Database Layout and Database Statistics Page for more information. Both of these parameters can be tweaked at installation time (see Global Definitions File and the INSTALL document).

Define your approach

Do some thinking before you start:

Also, now may be a good time to decide on some conventions that you will use througout your database:

Create the central individual

In most cases, even in large projects, your research will focus in more details on one individual in particular. Start by creating that record. If no particular individual stand out, then pick one at random, typically either the oldest one or the most recent (so that you can then work your way up or down the family tree).

Fill in the creation form

Start by filling in the creation form with at least these fields:

  1. name parts: this represents the official name of the individual. You should split it across the provided fields (prefix, first, middle, last, etc.). I'm well aware that this structure will not map every possible onomastic tradition. If it doesn't, either use the fields despite their name, or only use the last name field, the only required one.
    If the individual is known by more than one name (alternate spellings, translations, pen name, etc.), you will have the ability to add these once you've submitted this form and created the Individual's record.
  2. sex: no comment.
  3. birth and death information: the date and place of that person's birth and death. This information will be used to create (or edit, later on) the linked auto-events. The dates, if unknown, can be left blank. Partial dates are acceptable as well (e.g. "1467/00/00") if the exact day cannot be determined. The location field is required -- use "unknown" or some similar value if unknown, in which case the country should be set to "Unspecified (--)".
    If the person is still alive, check the box marked Is alive. This will disable the death event controls and prevent the creation of a linked death event. If you're editing an existing Individual record and you check that box, the existing death event is removed (without any further confirmation), including any attached metadata.

Once done, click on Submit to create that Individual's record, as well as the linked auto-event(s).

Further edit the Individual's record

Once the Individual record has been created, you should return to it and further edit it, documenting each object and sub-object as you go. For instance, you may wish to focus on the following items (in no particular order):

Further metadata are available from the Individuals Edition Page (such as See also, Lineage and Attachments). These will either be dealt with further down this document, or ignored altogether as they are not critical to the initial creation of the record and not specific to Individual objects.

Build family around him/her

Once the central individual has been created, and if this is relevant to your research, you can start building a family around him/her. You can do this in two directions: going "up" (i.e. towards past generations) or "down" (i.e. towards more recent generations) in the tree.

Here below are the pocedures to follow in both cases.

Extend tree towards the past (going "up")

  1. first create both parents as separate Individuals
  2. then create a Family object to unite both parents (this can also be done by editing the Lineage from one of the parents edition page, as illustrated below)
  3. further edit this Family to link the current Individual as their child

Extend tree towards the future (going "down")

  1. first create the spouse as a separate Individual
  2. then create a Family object to unite the spouse to the current individual (this can be done from either partner edition page, but it's easiest by clicking on Edit this individual some more... just after having created the spouse)
  3. further edit this Family to add the children (the hypothesis being that the children's Individual record has not been created yet)

For each extra Individual that you create in this context (parents, spouse, children), you should follow the same procedure as the one described above for the central individual, documenting each of them as you go. Likewise, each Family object that you create should also be documented as much as possible in terms of bibliographical references and sources. Don't forget the categories either.

Navigating the family tree

Once the family tree(s) that are the focus of your research have been created, how do you navigate them ?

Starting from an Individual

You would typically start from one individual or another. There are many ways for you to access his/her record -- here are the most common ones:

Using the Lineage table

Once on the requested Individual's edition page, scroll down to the Lineage section. It will contain an HTML-based representation of that individual's family tree, spanning at most 3 generations, centered on the current individual (rendered in bold font).

On the top row, you have the parents for both members of the couple (if applicable). Then the current individual with his/her partner. Then all children being born from that union (if any), one per line. If the individual was united to different partners, each of these unions gets its line (the current individual's name doesn't get repeated), followed by all children born from that union(if any), one per line.

All cells in the table are color-coded by sex (pink for girls, blue for boys -- how strange).

Here is what such a table might look like:

Lambert Vanden Bosch (I25) Aldegonde Moers (I26)    Jérôme Moers (I30) Marie America (I32)
Herman Vanden Bosch (I28) Marie-Isabelle Moers (I29)
Jérôme Henri Vanden Bosch (I33)

Please note: the links in the table above have been edited to not point anywhere.

You can use the following features of this table to navigate the family tree:

Once you reach that other individual's edition page, scroll to the Lineage section again, and navigate further up or down the tree. There is as yet no way in Project Hirtius to display the entire family tree of a given individual, allowing you to jump any number of generations in one go. This feature is planned for a future release.

Starting from a Family

Another possible starting point is the Family object. Here are a few ways you could locate the requested record:

Using the Children table

Once on the requested Family edition page, scroll down to the Children section. It will contain an HTML table that lists all known children born to that couple.

Use the first column ('ID') to jump to that individual's edition page.

All cells in the table are color-coded by sex (pink for girls, blue for boys -- how strange).

Once you reach that other individual's edition page, scroll to the Lineage section, and navigate further up or down the tree (see above).

A few words about auto-events

Auto-events are Event objects created automatically for you each time you create an Individual or Family object, and linked with the object that caused its creation. Auto-events have already been described briefly in Concepts and on the Events Edition Page.

Here however, seeing how interlinked they are with the two main object types storing your genealogical information, I would like to describe in more details the specificities of their management.

Let's focus on each of the steps...


Auto-events will be created in the following situations:

  1. Creating a new Individual: one or two new auto-events are created, depending on the value of the Is alive flag:
  2. Removing the Is alive flag on an existing Individual: a single new auto-event is created:
  3. Creating a new Family: a single new auto-event is created:

The following fields will be automatically set at Event creation time:

For a complete description of these fields, their general meaning and the format they expect, please refer to the Events Edition Page.


Whenever they are displayed, auto-events can easily be identified as such (i.e. you can easily differentiate them from regular events):

Edit / Update

It is perhaps in the context of edit / update workflows that the specificities of the auto-events will be felt the most.

To begin with, the list below explains how each of the special fields will react:

Then, we also need to highlight what happens when the Is alive flag is modified after the initial creation of the Individual record. There are four possible cases, two of them trivial:

  1. Is alive was true and remains so: no consequence as regards the death event (it does not exist).
  2. Is alive was false and remains so: no consequence as regards the death event (it exists and remains unaffected).
  3. Is alive was true and is set to false: a new death event is created. Make sure to further edit it to document it properly.
  4. Is alive was false and is set to true: the existing death event is deleted (without any further confirmation), along with all its metadata (bibliographical references, source references, attachments, etc.). Beware, as this situation is less likely to be legitimate.


Can you clone auto-events (just like you can regular events) ? Yes, you can.

The only specificity that you need to be aware of about this process is that the new Event object resulting of the clone will be a regular Event. It won't be owned by or even linked with the father object of the source event.

Of course, once created, you can link the new Event to any other object in the database using the Object - Event Edition Page from that object edition page.

Deletion / Unlink

As a general rule, auto-events can't be deleted or unlinked (i.e. detached from their parent object) on their own. The corresponding action links will be disabled in the Project Hirtius user interface. The only way to remove them is to delete the parent object that owns them, which will in turn delete all linked metadata (including the auto-event in question).

The only exception to that rule is the fact that setting the Is alive flag on an Individual post-creation will delete the existing death event (and all linked metadata), as explained above.

Regarding the inability to unlink an auto-event from its parent object, it may be worth repeating that, as a workaround, auto-events can be cloned into regular Events (see here and here).

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Friday,May 31, 2024.

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