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For more details about what each of these entities cover, please refer to the Concepts page, the various workflow documents provided in this HelpSet, or the Edition Page manual for the relevant object/entity.
Regarding the "prefix" listed in the last column of each table below, this is the letter that you should place in front of the object/entity ID when using the "quick jump" feature (see Navigation Tips) or that will identify the object/entity type on the Basic and Timeline Search Page result page. You will also need to use them when creating see-also or obsoleted by records, or when quoting objects or entities in comment fields that offer that feature.
The obj_type and doc_type values are only used internally by the application.
These are the so-called "fully-fledged" objects. They support the widest choice of metadata.
Object Obj_type Prefix ------------------------------------ Slides DIA D Sources SRC S Persons IND I Families FAM F Events EVT E Tiddlers TID Z
Lesser objects only feature bibrefs, srcrefs and attachments in terms of metadata.
Object Obj_type Prefix ------------------------------------ Titles TIT T Alternate names NAM N Sequences SEQ C Projects PRJ J
Non-object entities typically don't have any kind of metadata, but may themselves play the role of metadata for higher-level objects.
Entity Doc_type Prefix ------------------------------------ Books BWK B Articles ART P Web Links WWW W Attachments / A References / R Source References / Q EXIF data / X* INXtree node / K*
(*) no support in ./redirect.php (i.e. for "quick jump").
See also:
Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Monday, Mar. 7, 2016.
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