Individual - Family Edition Page
This screen will allow you to manage the relationship between an existing
Individual and the Families he or she belongs to, both as a
partner and as a child. Obviously, any given individual can participate in any
number of families as a partner, but only in one as a child.
The same relationships can be managed starting from the family record using
the Family - Child Edition Page and Families List.
- From the Main Application Menu (or indeed almost any other Project Hirtius page),
click on the "Manage Persons" icon in the header
). This gets you to the Individuals List.
- Navigate the Individuals List until you locate the person you're looking for.
- Then click on the edit action link (last column) to edit
the individual record in question. This gets you to the Individuals Edition Page.
- Scroll down the Individuals Edition Page until you see the Lineage section.
- Click on the Edit action link next to it.
The Individual - Family Edition Page supports the following actions:
- Unlink: removes the link between the Individual currently
being edited and the selected Family. No further confirmation is
Beyond that, this page will also let you modify existing relationships in
different ways and create new ones (see the "link actions" section
below). But the actual logic behind these is
implemented elsewhere.
The "individual - family relationship" record doesn't have any field that
would be edited separately, outside of what the action links and selector
screens already described provide.
The first row below the page header displays the name of the Individual
object currently being edited. This name will always contain a link (typically
the object type prefix letter -- 'I', see Objects and Metadata Types -- followed by its ID).
Clicking on it will lead you back to that object edition page in 'view' mode.
For each existing relationship in the list (these are both the families that
the current individual is member of as a partner, and the one hs/she's member of
as a child -- the latter is visually identified by an orange background), the
first and last columns of its row contain links that correspond to actions to
be performed on the relationship record.
- Object ID: the Object ID (left-most column) is a link
that opens the Families Edition Page in view mode for the selected
- Edit: opens the Families Edition Page in edit mode for the selected
- Del: (only for Families the current individual is
member of as a partner). Opens the Families Edition Page in delete confirmation mode
for the selected Family. You can then confirm to proceed with the
deletion (and decide whether the linked auto-events should be removed as well
or made into regular events), or cancel it and return to the list.
- Unlink: (only for Families the current individual is
member of as a child). Removes the link between the Individual object
currently being edited and the selected Family. No further confirmation is
required. Removing this link will also unlink the child Birth Event from the
Family event list.
In addition to this, global actions are available on the last row
(bottom right corner) of the list:
- Link Parents: opens the Family Selector in a new window. This
allows you to select any family to form a new parent relationship with the
Individual object currently being edited. When the target Family
has been selected and you close the Family Selector window, please use the
Refresh function of your browser ([F5], typically) to
make your latest addition visible in the list. Since a single Family
only can be selected as parent, this link is disabled once the selection has
been made. To undo the selection, use the Unlink action link
(see above).
- New Union: opens the Individual Selector to select the partner, then
the Families Edition Page in add mode. The current Individual will
automatically be used as partner to the newly created Family object.
Doing this will navigate away from the current individual. If you need to edit
it further, once the new Family record has been created, use the
Edit MP or Edit FP to return to the Individuals Edition Page for the
current individual.
See also:
Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Friday, Mar. 4, 2016.