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Object - Attached File Edition Page


This screen will allow you to manage the files attached to any kind of supported fully-fledged object. Attached files exist as entities in their own right, and this page (along with the Attached Files List) will let you maintain their properties (as in "metadata"). You can attach as many files per object as needed, but please remember that any given file can only be attached to one single object (you will be able to move it if needed, though).

Getting There...

This management page is common to all supported fully-fledged object types. To reach it:

Please note that in the case of Tiddlers, multiple objects can be displayed on the page at the same time, several of them possibly in 'edit' mode. Make sure to click on the Edit action link for the attachments that belong to the correct object. The visual rendering of the page should make that clear enough.

Supported actions

The Object - Attached File Edition Page supports the following actions:

Of these, only Add, Edit, Reload, View and DelCon are entry points. They are typically reached from the Object - Attached File Edition Page or the Attached Files List (but in the case of View, there are many more possibilities).


Here below are the fields that you can expect to find on the Object - Attached File Edition Page. The goal here is not to simply duplicate the database layout information. If this is what interests you, please refer to the Database Layout, the database creation script or the database itself. The purpose is rather to explain what each field is meant for [D], what format it is expected to follow [F] and what are the conditions for its validity (if applicable) [V].

A star (*) after the name of the field denotes a mandatory field (the star is shown in red with the same meaning in the application user interface).

Attach ID* D Sequential ID, automatically assigned by the DB during record creation. Displayed read-only once available.
Filename* D (During Add and Reload only). Name of the file to be uploaded in the database. Use the "Browse" button next to this field to browse your filesystem and select the file.
Please note: next to this field, a red warning is displayed that lists the maximum supported size for any given attached file. That limit is based on the configuration of MySQL and PHP on the Project Hirtius server and is dynamically queried. The minimum of both values is displayed.
F Fully qualified file name.
Short Desc* D Description of the attached file contents, its provenance, its relevance, etc.
F Free text. HTML markup allowed.
Special formats:
  • '{D1234}': quote another Hirtius object using its object prefix and ID. Automatically rendered as a link to that object view page. See Objects and Metadata Types for a list of all prefixes supported by the application. Only objects and lesser objects can be referred to in this way.
Insert these formats in your text without the enclosing quotes.
If the object that you refer to doesn't exist (yet), the reference will be rendered in a special style (orange italics) and the associated link will point to that object creation page (where possible).
MIME type D Formal identification of the attached file format. During creation, an auto-detection by the browser can be used (default choice). If the resulting MIME type turns out not to be adequate, you can use this field to adapt it. The list of supported MIME types is defined in the Global Definitions File.
Object attached to D To move an attached file to another object (of any supported type), simply click in the Authorise move checkbox (see below) and specify here the reference (object prefix letter + ID) of the target object.
F An object ID, i.e. the object prefix letter (see Objects and Metadata Types followed by the numerical ID of the target object.
V The object ID has to refer to an existing object of the fully-fledged type and be different from itself.
Authorise move D You need to select this checkbox in order to enable the previous field and thereby make moving this attached file to another object possible.


Object name

The first row below the page header displays the name of the object currently being edited. This name will always contain a link (typically the object type prefix letter -- see Objects and Metadata Types -- followed by its ID). Clicking on it will lead you back to that object edition page in 'view' mode.

Link actions

For each existing attached file in the list, the first and last columns of its row contain links that correspond to actions to be performed on the attached file record.

In addition to this, a global action is available on the last row (bottom right corner) of the list:

Related pages menu

The exact contents of this menu depends on the type of object currently being edited.

Edit this <object> some more... link
Returns you to the current object record in edit mode. Use this link to further edit the object in question.
Add a new <object> link
Opens the form that allows you to create a new object record of the same type. Usefull when creating multiple records in sequence.

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Monday, Jul. 29, 2024.

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