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Attached Files List


This screen is used to browse the entire Attached Files list, based on a chosen sort order. The list will be split across several pages, each with the maximum number of entries (value defined globally for the application -- see Global Definitions File), to avoid saturating the browser when dealing with very long lists. Controls are available to navigate between the different segments of that list.

As opposed to most other "list" screens in Project Hirtius, this one can't be used to create new entries in the database (new "attachments"). This functionality is only available from the object edition page that the new file should be attached to, through the Object - Attached File Edition Page.

Getting There...

From the Main Application Menu (or indeed almost any other Project Hirtius page), click on the "Manage Attached Files" icon in the header ().


Each entry in the list will use the following layout:

A+attach_id objlink filename
filesize submitter

For the description, format and meaning of the attachment-specific fields, please refer to the Object - Attached File Edition Page. A few words on those that are not defined there or need extra clarification:

This represents the unique ID of the attached file (prefixed with an 'A' -- see Objects and Metadata Types). It is rendered as an hyperlink that gives you direct access to the attached file data. If the MIME type is recognised and associated with a specific viewer or application in your browser, the contents will be displayed straight away in the browser (as is the case for image files, for instance) or opened in the linked application. If the MIME type is not linked, or is seen as a binary blob, your browser should offer you to save the data locally, so you can open it with any application you see fit.
This is an hyperlink to the object that the file is attached to. It links to the object edition page in 'view' mode.


Sort order bar

The first row of controls beneath the page header allows the user to select the desired sort order for the list. The currently active sort order is rendered as text, whereas all other available choices are rendered as HTML links. Here are the three available choices:

Selecting a different sort order always returns you to the top of the list (as defined by that order).

Navigation bar

The second row of controls beneath the page header allows the user to navigate the Attachments list based on the currently selected sort order (see above). Some action links (prev and next) may be rendered as text when not applicable.

Here are the available actions:

For really large collections (10.000 files or more), this navigation method will show its limits. The larger your attachments collection, the more you should rely on the search interface or the project management features to locate your files. For more details, see Navigation Tips.

Attached file actions

For each Attachment in the list, the first and last columns of its row contain links that correspond to actions to be performed on the File object.

As already mentioned above, there is no Add action link on this page. Creating a new attachment can only be done from the object edition page that the file should be attached to.

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Friday, Mar. 4, 2016.

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