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Object - Bibliographical Reference Edition Page


This screen will allow you to manage the relationship between any kind of supported fully-fledged object and Books, Articles or Weblinks records. These relationships embody the concept of "bibliographical reference". The books, articles and weblinks exist as entities in their own right, and the references are the properties (as in "metadata") of the relationship. You can create as many relationships per object as needed, mixing references to Books, Articles and Weblinks as you see fit.

Getting There...

This management page is common to all supported fully-fledged object types. To reach it:

Please note that in the case of Tiddlers, multiple objects can be displayed on the page at the same time, several of them possibly in 'edit' mode. Make sure to click on the Edit action link for the references that belong to the correct object. The visual rendering of the page should make that clear enough.

Supported actions

The Object - Bibliographical Reference Edition Page supports the following actions:

Of these, only Add, Edit, View and Unlink are entry points. They are typically reached from the Object - Bib. Ref. Edition Page.


Here below are the fields that you can expect to find on the Object - Bibliographical Reference Edition Page. The goal here is not to simply duplicate the database layout information. If this is what interests you, please refer to the Database Layout, the database creation script or the database itself. The purpose is rather to explain what each field is meant for [D], what format it is expected to follow [F] and what are the conditions for its validity (if applicable) [V]. Applicability is denoted on [A] lines where needed.

A star (*) after the name of the field denotes a mandatory field (the star is shown in red with the same meaning in the application user interface).

Ref ID* D Sequential ID, automatically assigned by the DB during record creation. Displayed read-only once available.
Word reference D When quoting from a dictionnary, an encyclopaedia or something similar, it is often more effective to reference the entry to look up rather than the page number. Use "word reference" in this case. Please feel free to use page references even when "word reference" is set if you so prefer.
F Free text. Will be prefixed by "s.v." (= sub verbo) in the quote.
A This field only appears when quoting Books or Articles. The database column used to store the information is the same as for the 'in-page address' field that appears when quoting Weblinks.
Query term* D When quoting a weblink to an on-line database, this field will hold the variable part of the URL (the query). Required field in this case.
F Free text. Will be concatenated to the URL.
A This field only appears when quoting Weblinks that are identified as being base queries to on-line databases.
Record name* D When quoting a weblink to an on-line database, this field will hold the name of the specific record being quoted (this value will be visible to the user). Required field in this case. In case of doubt, use the same value as for the 'query term' field.
F Free text. Will be concatenated to the URL title.
A This field only appears when quoting Weblinks that are identified as being base queries to on-line databases.
Record date D When quoting a weblink to an on-line database, this field will hold the date of the specific record being quoted.
F ISO format: year in 4 digits, then month in 2 digits (padded with zero if needed), then day in 2 digits (padded with zero as needed). The date parts can be separated with either '-' (hyphen), '/' (forward slash), or '.' (dot).
Example: "2012-10-31", "2012/10/31" or "2012.10.31".
V Should be a valid date (possibly including zero values) or be left empty.
A This field only appears when quoting Weblinks that are identified as being base queries to on-line databases.
In-page address D When quoting a webpage, it may come in handy to refer to a specific heading within the page (if supported by the HTML of the page in question). Such "quotable names" may appear under the form of a table of contents (they're name anchors in technical terms). Use "in-page address" in this case to store the anchor name.
F Free text. Will be concatenated to the URL after a hash sign ('#').
A This field only appears when quoting Weblinks. The database column used to store the information is the same as for the 'word reference' field that appears when quoting Books or Articles.
From page D Starting page number for the excerpt you want to quote.
F Page number. If only one of "from page" and "to page" are filled in, they are assumed to be identical. If both "from page" and "to page" are set to "-1", the quote will report the page numbers as passim.
V Should be a number. When quoting an article, should be within the boundary of the pages defined for that article.
A This field only appears when quoting Books or Articles.
To page D Ending page number for the excerpt you want to quote.
F Page number. If only one of "from page" and "to page" are filled in, they are assumed to be identical. If only "to page" is set to "-1", the quote will report the page numbers as e.g. "p. 42 sqq" (= sequentaeque).
V Should be a number. When quoting an article, should be within the boundary of the pages defined for that article. "To page" should be greater or equal to "start page".
A This field only appears when quoting Books or Articles.
Comment D Any comment you might have on the contents of that reference. Anything you write here will be added at the end of the quote (= like a footnote).
F Free text. HTML markup allowed.


Object name

The first row below the page header displays the name of the object currently being edited. This name will always contain a link (typically the object type prefix letter -- see Objects and Metadata Types -- followed by its ID). Clicking on it will lead you back to that object edition page in 'view' mode.

Link actions

For each existing relationship in the list, the first and last columns of its row contain links that correspond to actions to be performed on the relationship record.

In addition to this, a global action is available on the last row (bottom right corner) of the list:

Related pages menu

The exact contents of this menu depends on the type of object currently being edited.

Edit this <object> some more... link
Returns you to the current object record in edit mode. Use this link to further edit the object in question.
Add a new <object> link
Opens the form that allows you to create a new object record of the same type. Usefull when creating multiple records in sequence.

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Friday, Oct. 21, 2022.

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