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The Articles Edition Page


This screen is used to create, view, update, clone and delete Article records. In the context of Project Hirtius, you need to create a Article record before you can quote it using a bibref record (bibliographical reference) while documenting your fully-fledged or lesser objects. Article records cannot exist on their own. They have to be created from the Book record in which they were published (that book may be a periodical, of course).

Getting There...

The Article Edition Page can only be reached through the Books Edition Page to which it belongs. To reach the Edition Page of an existing Article:

Of course, you can also reach the Article view screen through a few other ways, such as using search results (see Navigation Tips).

Supported actions

The Article Edition Page supports the following actions:

Of these, only Add, Edit, View, Clone and DelCon are entry points. They are typically reached from the Books Edition Page (but in the case of View, there are many more possibilities).


Here below are the fields that you can expect to find on the Article Edition Page. The goal here is not to simply duplicate the database layout information. If this is what interests you, please refer to the Database Layout, the database creation script or the database itself. The purpose is rather to explain what each field is meant for [D], what format it is expected to follow [F] and what are the conditions for its validity (if applicable) [V].

A star (*) after the name of the field denotes a mandatory field (the star is shown in red with the same meaning in the application user interface).

Object ID* D Sequential ID, automatically assigned by the DB during record creation. Displayed read-only once available.
Author D Author name. In the case of collective works, the name of the director may be used instead. Since the article list will typically be used sorted by author, it makes sense to enter it as "LAST NAME, First Name" (the use of all capital letters for the full name is optional, of course). In the case of anonymous articles, simply leave the field empty.
F Free text.
Title* D Title of the article.
F Free text. HTML markup allowed, but it is recommended to limit its use to simple tags (e.g. italics). Do not terminate by a full stop (.), as these will be added by the application when displaying.
Volume D Volume number. Leave empty if not applicable.
F Free text.
Issue D Issue number (or name -- e.g. "Sept."). Typically used for periodicals. Leave empty if not applicable.
F Free text.
Issue date D Issue date. Typically used for periodicals. Leave empty if not applicable.
F Free text.
From page* D Start page number for the article.
F Number.
V Value should be numerical (int) and can't be larger than To page.
To page* D End page number for the article. The field is required, but is assumed to be equal to From page if left empty.
F Number.
V Value should be numerical (int) and be larger than From page or equal to it.
URL D If the contents of the article is available online (through Google Books, for instance), you can use this field to store the URL. When set, a globe icon linking to this URL will be displayed next to the article ID on the Books Edition Page, giving the user direct access to the contents.
Comment D Any comment you might have on the article itself (how you found out about it, alternate locations where it's available), or its subject (its relevance for your work, its level of quality and target audience).
F Free text. HTML markup allowed.


In View mode

Book link(s)
The word in: just below the Article title is a link to the books that contains it. It leads to the Books Edition Page in 'view' mode.
Quoted by link(s)
The Quoted by section offers direct links to the objects that quote the current article through bibrefs. These links will open the object edition page in 'view' mode.
Switch to edit mode link
Located at the bottom of the page, just above the footer. Click on this link to edit the current object (switches the view from a R/O rendering of the contents to an HTML form that allows you to modify that contents and submit it afterward).

In Edit mode

Book link(s)
The word in: just below the Article title is a link to the books that contains it. It leads to the Books Edition Page in 'view' mode.
Submit button
(Also in "Add" and "Clone" modes). Commits the locally modified HTML form fields contents to the database that stores Project Hirtius data. Use it to save your latest modifications. It is of course perfectly legitimate to click Submit any number of times during a long edition session to avoid loosing unsaved data. When doing so, use the Edit this article some more... link on the update result screen (see below) to return to the current article record and edit it further.
Reset button
(Also in "Add" and "Clone" modes). Cancels any un-committed change, and returns all HTML form fields to their initial value (i.e. the one they had when the page was last loaded in the browser). Use this button to revert any erroneous edit you might have done (Beware: this only works on local changes that have not been saved to the database yet, i.e. for which you've not clicked on Submit yet).
Quoted by link(s)
The Quoted by section offers direct links to the objects that quote the current article through bibrefs. These links will open the object edition page in 'view' mode.
Switch to view mode link
Located at the bottom of the page, just above the footer. Click on this link to view the current object (switches from the current HTML form that allows you to modify the object contents and submit it afterward to a R/O rendering of that contents).

In Insert or Update result mode

This result page appears once you have clicked the Submit button on the Add, Edit or Clone page. It will offer the following links:

Edit this article some more... link
Returns you to the current Article record in edit mode. Use this link to further edit the article in question. This link is also present just after you added a new article.
Add new article to current book link
Opens the form that allows you to create a new Article record. Usefull when creating multiple records in sequence.
Book list link
Returns you to the Books and Articles List.

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Friday, Oct. 21, 2022.

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