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Books, Articles and Weblinks Selector


This screen is used to browse the entire Books and Articles list, or the Weblinks list and then select an entry to add a bibliographical reference to it to the current Project Hirtius fully-fledged object. It is always displayed as a pop-up dialogue (that is to say that it opens as a new window or tab).

Getting There...

Selectors are purpose-built screens that are not reachable through the general navigation of the application, but only by clicking on specific action links on certain screens. Here are the places and actions that will trigger the display of this selector, and the context of its use:


The fields shown in the list (and the available controls) vary depending on the current mode.

Book mode

nav book_id* author title pub_year

For the description, format and meaning of each field, please refer to the Books Edition Page. A few words on those that are not defined there or need extra clarification:

An optional "play" icon (). When present, it indicates that this books contains articles. Clicking on the "play" button will lead you to the list of articles that this book contains (see below).
When followed by a star ('*'), a comment has been entered for that book. Hover your mouse over its ID to get it displayed as a tooltip. Comments that are longer than '$max_ttip_len' char. (see Global Definitions File) will be trucated and suffixed with '...' to denote the truncation.
Book title. Rendered as italics for regular books, underscored for periodicals. If a subtitle was provided, it will be appended to the title in this field (separated by ', ').

Article mode

nav book_id book author book title pub_year  
  article_id* article author article title volume page from page end

For the description, format and meaning of each field, please refer to the Books Edition Page and Article Edition Page. A few words on those that are not defined there or need extra clarification:

A "REW" icon (). Clicking on the "REW" button will lead you back to the list in 'books' view (see above).
book title:
Book title. Rendered as italics for regular books, underscored for periodicals. If a subtitle was provided, it will be appended to the title in this field (separated by ', ').
When followed by a star ('*'), a comment has been entered for that article. Hover your mouse over its ID to get it displayed as a tooltip. Comments that are longer than '$max_ttip_len' char. (see Global Definitions File) will be trucated and suffixed with '...' to denote the truncation.

Weblink mode

link_id* anchor title pub_year is_query is_alive

For the description, format and meaning of each field, please refer to the Weblinks Edition Page. A few words on those that are not defined there or need extra clarification:

When followed by a star ('*'), a comment has been entered for that weblink. Hover your mouse over its ID to get it displayed as a tooltip. Comments that are longer than '$max_ttip_len' char. (see Global Definitions File) will be trucated and suffixed with '...' to denote the truncation.
A globe icon () that will lead you to the on-line content linked to by the weblink.
Weblink title. Rendered as striked-through if the link is flagged as dead.


Books and Weblinks tabs

The first row of controls beneath the page header allows the user to switch between the Books and Articles view and the Weblinks view. The currently active view is rendered as text, whereas the other available choice is rendered as HTML link. Here are the two available choices:

Navigation controls

(In Books and Articles view only!)

The first column (Books view) and first column of the first row (Articles view) contain round blue ./buttons that you should click to navigate between the Books and Articles views. Here is their function:

Please note that the current implementation of this navigation has been done using pure HTML and without any cookie tricks or anything similar. This means that at present, you can only expand a single book at a time.

Reference actions

For each item listed on the screen (be it a Book, an Article or a Weblink), simply click on its ID (second column for Books and Articles, first for Weblinks) to select it and create a new bibliographical reference to it from the currently selected fully-fledge object. When this selection has been performed (i.e. clicking on the ID), a new screen will be displayed for you to fill in the details of the reference (such as the exact page and a further comment -- please see the Object - Bib. Ref. Edition Page for more details on these fields).

Please note that even when a book contains articles, you can still create a bibliographical reference to the entire book by selecting its ID instead of that of any of the articles that it contains. To do so, please select its ID while displayed in Books view, as the book ID will no longer be rendered as a link when displayed in Articles view.

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Wednesday, Jun. 19, 2024.

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