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Object - Category Edition Page


This screen will allow you to manage the relationship between any kind of supported fully-fledged object and INXtree nodes (aka "categories"). These relationships embody the membership of the object to the categories in question, as defined by their path in the hierarchical structure of the INXtree. You can create as many relationships per object as needed, some of these being used to classify the object and making it easier to locate afterwards, others to attach the object at a specific spot in a Project report structure.

A extensive presentation of the INXtree itself and its purpose is provided in Concepts. More practical examples on how you might want to structure it are offered in the Pictures Management Workflow and Projects Management Workflow.

Getting There...

This management page is common to all supported fully-fledged object types. To reach it:

Please note that in the case of Tiddlers, multiple objects can be displayed on the Tiddlers (Embedded TiddlyWiki) page at the same time, several of them possibly in 'edit' mode. Make sure to click on the Edit action link for the categories that belong to the correct object. The visual rendering of the page should make that clear enough.

Supported actions

The Object - Category Edition Page supports the following actions:

Beyond that, this page will also let you modify existing relationships in different ways and create new ones (see the link actions section below). But the actual logic behind these is implemented elsewhere.


The "object - category relationship" record doesn't have any field at this stage that could be edited separately here, outside of what the action links and selector screens already described provide.


Object name

The first row below the page header displays the name of the object currently being edited. This name will always contain a link (typically the object type prefix letter -- see Objects and Metadata Types -- followed by its ID). Clicking on it will lead you back to that object edition page in 'view' mode.

Link actions

For each existing relationship in the list, the last column of its row contains links that correspond to actions to be performed on the relationship record.

In addition to this, a global action is available on the last row (bottom right corner) of the list:

Related pages menu

The exact contents of this menu depends on the type of object currently being edited.

Edit this <object> some more... link
Returns you to the current object record in edit mode. Use this link to further edit the object in question.
Add a new <object> link
Opens the form that allows you to create a new object record of the same type. Usefull when creating multiple records in sequence.

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Monday, Aug. 3, 2020.

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