Library Cards List
This screen is used to browse the Library Cards list in one of
three "modes", depending on your role in the application and which path
you take to reach this screen.
This screen also serves as the main entry point to the creation and edition
of individual Library Cards.
The Library Cards List is not available straight from the Main Application Menu, but they can be
reached from two different locations: the Users Edition Page and Libraries List. To reach it,
you can:
- Start from the Libraries List:
- Start from the Users Edition Page (open on the user to whom the card belongs, of
- From the Main Application Menu (or indeed almost any other Project Hirtius page),
click on the "Manage Users" (
) icon
in the header.
- Browse the Users List until you locate the owner of the library card
that you're looking for.
- Mark him/her in the list (radio button in the first column), select
Edit Selected User in the drop-down menu in the bottom left corner,
then click Submit. This leads you to the Users Edition Page.
- On the Users Edition Page, click on the Library Cards link located
in the bottom left corner. This gets you to the Library Cards List.
The Library Cards List features the following three modes of operation:
- All:
- This mode is available only to users with 'Administrator'
privileges. It shows all cards for all users defined in the system.
To get this mode, you need to reach the Library Cards List coming from the
Libraries List (see above).
- User:
- This mode only shows the library cards of a specific user. This mode is
only available to users with 'Administrator' privileges. To get this mode,
you need to reach the Library Cards List coming from the Users Edition Page for the user in
question (see above).
- Mine:
- This is the default mode for lambda users. It only shows his/her own
cards, whether coming from the Libraries List or the Users Edition Page (for his/her own
account, of course).
Each entry in the list will use the following layout:
card_id |
userid |
library_name |
card_ref |
is_active |
valid_until |
watch_it |
[actions] |
For the description, format and meaning of each field, please refer to the
Library Cards Edition Page. A few words on those that are not defined there or need extra
- userid:
- Only shown in "All" mode (see above).
- is_active:
- The value of this field is computed based on the current date and the
renewal records available for this card.
The first row of controls beneath the page header (visible only to users
with 'Administrator' privileges, and reaching this page through the Libraries List)
allows the user to switch between a filtered or unfiltered view of the list.
Here are the two available choices:
- All: shows all cards for all users defined in the system.
- Mine: only shows my own cards.
For each Library Card in the list, the first and last columns of its
row contain links that correspond to actions to be performed on the
Card object.
- Card ID: the Card ID (left-most column) is a link
that opens the Library Cards Edition Page in view mode for the selected Card.
- Edit: opens the Library Cards Edition Page in edit mode for the selected
- Del: opens the Library Cards Edition Page in delete confirmation mode
for the selected Card. You can then confirm to proceed with the
deletion or cancel it and return to the list. Deleting a card also removes
any linked Validity period / Renewal record.
In addition to this, a global action is available on the last row
(bottom right corner) of the list:
- Add: opens the Library Cards Edition Page in add mode (displays a blank
HTML form to be filled in order to create a new Card record). If the
Library Cards List was in "All" mode, you will be prompted to select the user
that the new card should belong to. If the Library Cards List was in "User" or
"Mine" mode, the new card will automatically be created for the
selected user.
See also:
Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Friday, Mar. 4, 2016.