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This screen is used to create, view, update and delete Library Card records. A Library Card record links the account for one of your application Users to a Library record. It is by no means required to create Library Card records for every user in your application. It is only meant as a help for the user in managing the expiration and eventual renewal of his/her library card(s): if managed by Project Hirtius (and provided the required script is properly installed), reminder emails will be sent to the user starting 15 days before one of his/her cards is due to expire.
Each user can have any number of cards in one or more libraries. Multiple cards for the same library are supported.
The Library Cards management screens are not available straight from
the Main Application Menu, but they can be reached from two different locations: the
Users Edition Page and Libraries List. To reach the Edition Page of an existing Library
Card, you can:
To add a new Library Card record:
The Library Card Edition Page supports the following actions:
Of these, only Add, Edit, View and DelCon are entry points. They are typically reached from the Library Cards List.
Here below are the fields that you can expect to find on the Library Card Edition Page. The goal here is not to simply duplicate the database layout information. If this is what interests you, please refer to the Database Layout, the database creation script or the database itself. The purpose is rather to explain what each field is meant for [D], what format it is expected to follow [F] and what are the conditions for its validity (if applicable) [V].
A star (*) after the name of the field denotes a mandatory field (the star is shown in red with the same meaning in the application user interface).
Object ID* | D | Sequential ID, automatically assigned by the DB during record creation. Displayed read-only once available. |
User* | D | The user that this card belongs to (select from list). Only users with administration privileges will be prompted for this, as only the Administrator can create new cards for any random user profile. Lambda users can only create Card records for themselves, and this field will be shown read-only. You will only be prompted for this during Card record creation. Once created, the card cannot be assigned to another user. In edition mode, this field will be shown read-only. |
F | Drop-down select control. | |
Library* | D | The library that issued the card (select from list). You will only be prompted for this during Card record creation. Once created, the card cannot be assigned to another library. In edition mode, this field will be shown read-only. |
F | Drop-down select control. | |
Card reference* | D | The unique ID of the card, as issued by the Library. May be reprensented as a bar code. |
F | Free text. | |
Validity start | D | (Only shown in "Add" mode). Start of the initial validity period for this card. This field is in fact part of the Validity period / Renewal record, not the Card record. |
F | ISO format: year in 4 digits, then month in 2 digits (padded with zero
if needed), then day in 2 digits (padded with zero as needed). The date
parts can be separated with either '-' (hyphen), '/' (forward slash), or
'.' (dot). Defaults to today's date in "Add" mode. Example: "2012-10-31", "2012/10/31" or "2012.10.31". |
Validity end | D | (Only shown in "Add" mode). End of the initial validity period for this card. This field is in fact part of the Validity period / Renewal record, not the Card record. You must specify an end-date for the validity period. Put it hundreds of years in the future if the card doesn't expire (but then, there is little point in tracking it in Project Hirtius to start with). |
F | ISO format: year in 4 digits, then month in 2 digits (padded with zero
if needed), then day in 2 digits (padded with zero as needed). The date
parts can be separated with either '-' (hyphen), '/' (forward slash), or
'.' (dot). Example: "2012-10-31", "2012/10/31" or "2012.10.31". |
Fee | D | (Only shown in "Add" mode). Cost of the initial subscription or
of the subsequent renewals. This field is in fact part of the Validity
period / Renewal record, not the Card record. Use this field to
track how much your patronage is worth to the Library, or how much these
charges evolved over time. Entirely optional. |
F | Decimal number. | |
V | Contents is expected to be numeric. For decimal values, either dot ('.') or comma (',') are accepted as decimal separator. The value should be positive or null. | |
Currency | D | (Only shown in "Add" mode). Currency for the fee. This field is in fact part of the Validity period / Renewal record, not the Card record. For information only -- no further processing is done on this field. You can use either the currency symbol (e.g. €) or the three-letter acronym (e.g. "EUR"). If a fee value is specified and that value is not null, then a currency should be specified. |
F | Free text. | |
Warn about expiration | D | If checked, and provided the required infrastructure is in place on the server (see Helper Scripts), the user will be warned via email starting 15 days before this card expires. |
F | Checkbox. | |
Comment | D | Any comment you might have on the card itself, such as any extra information the library may have stored on it. |
F | Free text. HTML markup allowed. |
For each Validity periods / Renewals in the list, the first and last columns of its row contain links that correspond to actions to be performed on the Validity periods / Renewals object.
In addition to this, a global action is available on the last row (bottom right corner) of the list:
This result page appears once you have clicked the Submit button on the Add or Edit page. It will offer the following links:
See also:
Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Friday, Oct. 21, 2022.
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