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INXtree Report Page


This page gives you access to all available reports based on your INXtree structure. All currently defined reports will be rendered on-line as HTML.

The same page handles all report modes and fomats, the selected mode depending on the parameters passed through the calling URL (i.e., from the user's point of view, the exact link used to reach the page: see next section).

Getting There...

To reach any of the available INXtree reports:

Please note that the Project preview report can also be reached from the Projects Report Page (but then only starting at the node / category selected as structure container node for the project in question). When starting from the INXtree Browser, you can "preview" any sub-tree, whether it be associated with a project or not.

Each of these reports is described in the next section.


Flat list

The Flat list report always produces a full dump of the INXtree structure, starting at the root (no matter what node was displayed by the INXtree Browser when this report is called). This list, at present, can only be sorted alphabetically on tags.

The report features three columns:

For more details about these fields and their meaning, please refer to the Categories Edition Page.

The report concludes with the number of printed rows, i.e. the total number of categories defined in your INXtree structure.

Project Preview

The primary purpose of this report is to allow for a quick preview of a Project Report structure, including the list of all objects linked to each of its chapters, sections and subsections (represented by sub-nodes in the INXtree) and to offer a handy starting point when that structure needs reorganizing. For more details on these topics, please refer to the Projects Management Workflow. But of course, you're also free to use it as an alternative way to browse any sub-tree you may happen to be working on in your global INXtree.

When using this report in a project context, please note that the present report will display the selected top node (the category that was "open" when you clicked on the Preview link, or the project's structure container node). But when generating the actual Project Report, that node will be hidden as the Projects Report Page only processes that node's content, not the node itself.

The Preview report itself will list the selected top node and all nodes below it, using identation to represent the hierarchical structure. The sort order in this case is alphabetic per level on the node / category names. Then, all objects attached to that category will be listed (also indented one level). The object name will always contain a link that opens the object edition page in 'view' mode.

The report concludes with the number of printed rows, i.e. the number of categories and sub-categories selected by your request, plus all objects attached to these.


The available controls and their purpose depend on the chosen report format (see Modes section above).

Flat list

No extra control at this stage. A sort order selection will be added later.

Project Preview

E link (= edit category)
This link is located immediately to the right of the INXtree category it refers to. Clicking to this link brings you to the Categories Edition Page which enables you to edit the current category (in this context, typically to modify its order of appearance inside the Project Report by changing the digits in front -- see the Projects Management Workflow for more details).
S link (= sort linked objects)
This link is located immediately to the right of the INXtree category it refers to. Clicking to this link brings you to the Object - Category Reorder Page which enables you to reorder between themselves all objects (no matter what their type) linked to the current category.
Switch to edit mode link
Located at the bottom of the page, just above the footer. Click on this link to return to the INXtree Browser in 'Browse' mode. This allows you to easily switch between editing your project structure inside the INXtree and previewing the resulting report internal organisation.
Back to Project Report link (optional)
Located at the bottom of the page, just above the footer. Click on this link to return to the Projects Report Page. This link only appears when the current page has been reached coming from the Projects Report Page.

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2012.
Last updated: Wednesday, April 17, 2019.

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