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Calendar Tools


Although part of the Search pages, Calendar Tools does not really represent a search feature as such -- no user-driven query against the Hirtius database will be issued by this page, for instance. By offering a direct access to the underlying functions that have been used to implement Calendar View however, we hope that the set of tools presented here will prove a useful support for your historical research.

To try and be as open as possible, each tool will show all intermediate steps it used in reaching the displayed result (when applicable).

Here is the list of the currently available calendar-related tools:

In all of these cases, checks will be carried out to make sure the combination of date, era and/or Julian Day Number are compatible (i.e. that they fall within the expected range).

A Caveats section at the bottom of the page will remind you what the ranges are for all supported calendaring systems and whether their proleptic use is supported or not by the application.

Getting There...

To reach the Calendar Tools Page:


The Calendar Tools page supports 6 different modes of operation:


Calendar Tool selection

Navigation bar
At the top of the page, just below the header, you'll find links that you can use to switch between the four main search modes: Basic, Timeline, Advanced and Calendar Tools. This control acts like a set of "Tabs", where the currently active one is rendered as plain text, and other available choices are rendered as bold-face font links. On sub-pages (such as the "Object Type Selection" or the "Search Result" page), the "current" tab will be rendered in regular font and link back to the previous step (the query terms entry form, for instance).
Calendar Tool drop-down
Select the desired tool in the list:
Next button
Submits your choice and reaches the next screen (the appropriate data entry form).

Interval between two dates

Navigation bar
At the top of the page, just below the header, you'll find links that you can use to switch between the four main search modes: Basic, Timeline, Advanced and Calendar Tools. This control acts like a set of "Tabs", where the currently active one is rendered as plain text, and other available choices are rendered as bold-face font links.
From field
Start date for the interval computation. The expected format is the so-called "historical" one -- a variation on the ISO one with slash as separator and an optional initial minus sign ((-)YYYY/MM/DD).
From Era drop-down
Specifies the Era in which the Start date (From field) is expressed.
To field
End date for the interval computation. The expected format is the so-called "historical" one -- a variation on the ISO one with slash as separator and an optional initial minus sign ((-)YYYY/MM/DD).
To Era drop-down
Specifies the Era in which the End date (To field) is expressed.
Compute button
Submits the HTML form fields contents to be used as parameters for the computation and returns to the Calendar Tools page to display the result and accept data entry for a new computation.

Add/Subtract days to/from date

Navigation bar
At the top of the page, just below the header, you'll find links that you can use to switch between the four main search modes: Basic, Timeline, Advanced and Calendar Tools. This control acts like a set of "Tabs", where the currently active one is rendered as plain text, and other available choices are rendered as bold-face font links.
Base Date field
Date to be used as base for the addition or subtraction opertation. The expected format is the so-called "historical" one -- a variation on the ISO one with slash as separator and an optional initial minus sign ((-)YYYY/MM/DD).
Base Date Era drop-down
Specifies the Era in which the Base Date field is expressed.
Operation drop-down
Specifies the operation to be performed ('+' for addition, '-' for subtraction).
Days field
The number of days to add or subtract. A positive integer value is expected.
Result As Era drop-down
Specifies the Era in which the Base Date field is expressed.
Compute button
Submits the HTML form fields contents to be used as parameters for the computation and returns to the Calendar Tools page to display the result and accept data entry for a new computation.

Conversion between eras

Navigation bar
At the top of the page, just below the header, you'll find links that you can use to switch between the four main search modes: Basic, Timeline, Advanced and Calendar Tools. This control acts like a set of "Tabs", where the currently active one is rendered as plain text, and other available choices are rendered as bold-face font links.
Date field
Start date for the conversion. The expected format is the so-called "historical" one -- a variation on the ISO one with slash as separator and an optional initial minus sign ((-)YYYY/MM/DD).
Era drop-down
Specifies the Era in which the Date field is expressed.
Convert button
Submits the HTML form fields contents to be used as parameters for the computation and returns to the Calendar Tools page to display the result and accept data entry for a new computation.

Please note: As there are currently only two era choices available, there is no need to specify the target one. It will, by definition, be the one not selected as source.

Convert date to JDN

Navigation bar
At the top of the page, just below the header, you'll find links that you can use to switch between the four main search modes: Basic, Timeline, Advanced and Calendar Tools. This control acts like a set of "Tabs", where the currently active one is rendered as plain text, and other available choices are rendered as bold-face font links.
Date field
Start date for the conversion. The expected format is the so-called "historical" one -- a variation on the ISO one with slash as separator and an optional initial minus sign ((-)YYYY/MM/DD).
Era drop-down
Specifies the Era in which the Date field is expressed.
Convert button
Submits the HTML form fields contents to be used as parameters for the computation and returns to the Calendar Tools page to display the result and accept data entry for a new computation.

Convert JDN to date

Navigation bar
At the top of the page, just below the header, you'll find links that you can use to switch between the four main search modes: Basic, Timeline, Advanced and Calendar Tools. This control acts like a set of "Tabs", where the currently active one is rendered as plain text, and other available choices are rendered as bold-face font links.
JDN field
The Julian Day Number to convert. An integer value is expected. The canonical definition of the Julian Day would mandate a null or positive value, but the function will also produce valid results for (reasonable) negative values.
As Era drop-down
Specifies the Era in which the resulting date should be expressed.
Convert button
Submits the HTML form fields contents to be used as parameters for the computation and returns to the Calendar Tools page to display the result and accept data entry for a new computation.

See also:

Project Hirtius, © Les Ateliers du Héron, 2024.
Last updated: Monday, May 27, 2024.

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